shader box for unity 3d|unity 3d阴影设计插件
2013-02-20 19:12:58   由 modxz上传    评论:0 点击:




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最新更新:2013-02-20 21:56:15



shader box for unity 3d(unity 3d阴影设计插件)

shader box演示地址

• Blending of real-time shadows with near and far lightmaps.
Realistic shading of objects in a shadow.
• One shader for two pipelines: with/without lightmap.
• Shader for imitating precalculated GI and color bleeding.
• Specular, Self-Illumination & Transparent 
properties of shaders are understood by Beast when baking. Light that is
baked into a lightmap can change its color after passing through a 
transparent object.
• Toolset for calculating light probes for characters.
• A set of Blinn-Phong Light, Specular and Reflection mask, Reflection СubeMap, Normal map, Detail map shaders.

上一篇:Unity 3D Flow Machine|U3D水流动力学插件
下一篇:Basic Terrain Mapper for unity 3d|U3D地形插件

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